Low-Fidelity PrototypingDevelop innovations, by going new and previously unexplored ways.
A Low-Fidelity (Low-Fi) Prototype, also known as Low-Resolution (Low-Res) Prototype, is the fastest way to visualize and test an idea. It doesn't matter whether the prototype was created from various craft materials, repurposed everyday objects, or with the help of prototyping software.
- Whether working in a team or alone, all materials should be made available before the session in order to produce the prototype. There are no limits to creativity here. If the team often creates prototypes for mobile or web applications, it can be useful to get a method case, which offers various cardboard (laminated) mockups, interaction surfaces and other elements of a user interface. This way, the elements can be quickly rearranged and used again and again.
- The focus of Low-Fi Prototypes is on the concept and usability. It helps to validate ideas early, to identify problems and to improve them. Once a prototype has been created, it makes sense to show it to an external person to find out how intuitively it can be used.
- Internalize the following motto: fail often and fast. The more users fail when testing a prototype, the more problems can be solved before a high-fidelity prototype is created. The problems can be put in writing to be able to recall as his project progresses. It is also often helpful to take a photo of the prototype. The more often this process is run through, the higher the chances of success for a product or service.