It is our nature to categorize things regarding their most prominent attributes or qualities. A chair for example would be a piece of furniture found in every home and often made of wood. Contrary, a horse is a living thing humans used to get from A to B. Although you would not associate those both with one another in the first place, there are some similarities if you think one step further. A chair as well as a horse has four legs, you sit on it and it is often colored brown. In this short game, you and your team try to break out of stereotyped thinking by being forced to find parallels between things that may occur very unlike at first.
Use the flip cards to collect random things, animals, or people. Every participant can use a different color to prevent choosing their own cards afterward. On each card there should be one item and a few attributes describing it (e.g. Tree: Grows with time, green, vital). Each participant should fill out at least 2 – 4 cards.
When everyone is finished, make sure that every card is flipped upside down to the blank side so nobody can read the words written on it. Then mix the collection of cards.
The cards are now distributed evenly and the participants get time to find similarities between the items on two cards at a time. You can also take notes to remember the ideas you had later on.
Present your results to the group. During this step, you can also try and name more connections as a team.