Focus Groups can be used for clarifying early-stage uncertainties or deciding on a direction to go along. Group discussions usually are moderated conversations about multiple topics, through which the moderator guides the group along. It is important to provide everyone with the same talking time share and to be de-escalating at all times in order to ensure best possible conditions for a constructive atmosphere.
- Prepare the topics you want to discuss and put them into a flow.
- Prepare for possible directions in which the discussion might turn. If possible, prevent unwanted turns by interrupting at an early stage. It is recommended to record the focus group discussion with either audio or video & audio.
- During the discussion, identify loud and quiet participants and give everyone the same talking time share.
- Actively ask everyone to articulate their opinion on each topic. Try not to ask direct questions. Rather, lead the conversation by interjecting topics and open-ended questions. Otherwise, the moderator behaves more like a silent observer.
- Take notes and afterwards complete them by reviewing the recording.